Champions for Children stands with families, children, and communities against racial injustice, hate, and violence against the black community. Current events are reminding us that we have tremendous challenges for all families to feel safe. The vastness of this challenge can be overwhelming and paralyzing. We at Champions simply stand with families and children. 

And in this time, it is important to say we stand with families of color. We know the adverse impacts of racism begin prenatally and continue through life, as witnessed in the disproportionate number of black children expelled from preschool, involved in our child welfare system and incarcerated. We know that observing acts of racism and violence create trauma for children which impairs their ability to learn, thrive and be healthy. All families deserve to raise their children in a world where racial injustice and acts of violence and destruction of their communities are things of the past. 

Parents and families have the opportunity to discuss difficult topics and open up about what’s going on in the world. To the families we serve, especially those in the Black Community, we know that what’s going on weighs heavily on you and want to be here to support you however we can. We are open and willing to listen, learn and participate in an open discussion and a transparent exchange of ideas so we move the needle on racism and stand strongly alongside families and the black community.

Here are a list a resources for parents with tips on how to talk to your child about racism:

Books about diversity and racism

Thoughts and guidelines in talking to children ages 2-5 about racism and violence

Books that celebrate diversity

Books for older children to support conversations on race, racism and resistance