Meet the FRANC Team!

A group of people pose for a picture. They are holding children's books.

Sinziana – Director of Parent Services

Sinziana is our director of parent services and currently leading Champion’s newly expanded FRANC program. Read her full profile, linked here!

Michael – Family Champion

Michael’s journey with FRANC begins in February 2024 when he moved from Minnesota to Florida. Having spent nearly 15 years working in a similar father-focused program in Minnesota, Michael was happy to find a position at Champions. Here he continues his mission to support fathers saying, “CFC & FRANC was, and is, the perfect fit for me!”

Michael’s favorite part of working with FRANC is “being in the position to serve families and prevent child abuse and neglect through the pathway of serving fathers.” He believes in the impact positive father figures can have on strong families and thriving children. He explains, “father figures set a social tone, good or bad, on how children will interact with each other, and the world around them. The role of positive father figures is vital to the future of children and community.”

Michael says if his job were a tool in a toolbox, it would be a cordless power drill. “The cordless power drill is portable, works almost anywhere, and uses tool attachments to complete several jobs,” he explains. This analogy captures Michael’s versatility and readiness to tackle any challenge that comes his way.

Michael’s dedication to fatherhood and his passion for serving families make him an invaluable member of the FRANC team. This June, we celebrate team members like Michael and all the incredible fathers and father figures who are making a difference every day.

Quinn – Lead Family Champion

Quinn’s favorite part of working with FRANC (Fathers Resource and Networking Community) is the opportunity to build something meaningful from the ground up. “Being able to build something from the ground up was an exciting challenge for me,” he shares. “Seeing the impact we make on the community is incredibly rewarding. Our staff feels like an extension of the family, and it’s comforting to come to work knowing we are all striving to help fathers and father-figures.”

Quinn’s own story is about the transformative power of fatherhood. In December 2023, he and his wife welcomed their son, Jonas, into the world. “Everyone tells you that being a parent changes everything about you,” Quinn reflects. “I couldn’t have guessed how rewarding, and challenging, it would be.” Inspired by his own experiences and the joy he finds in fatherhood, Quinn sought out an opportunity with our FRANC program. “If I could help at least one father replicate the joy I get when I see Jonas’ smile, I would be happy,” he says. This inspiration led him to join the FRANC team, where he has been supporting fathers ever since.

Quinn’s vision for the community is one where fathers embrace their caregiving roles and are consistently present in their children’s lives. “I hope that our work encourages fathers to embrace their caregiving intuition and be more consistently present in their children’s lives, leading to healthier family relationships overall,” he shares. This commitment to fostering stronger family bonds is at the heart of everything Quinn does.

To Quinn, being a father means “being a supportive, engaged parental figure that uplifts their child during the low times and cheers them on during the victories,” he describes. Quinn believes that father figures are crucial as they work alongside other parental figures to support the family as a team. They also provide a positive role model for children to look up to.

Quinn’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of father figures and the impact they can have on their families and communities. Through his work with FRANC, Quinn is helping to create a supportive network for fathers, ensuring they have the resources and encouragement they need to thrive in their roles.

Tiffany – Lead Family Coach

Tiffany, our Lead Family Champion, has a passion and commitment to families and fathers.

Tiffany’s favorite part of working with FRANC is the unwavering dedication and commitment of the team to engage fathers and families. “We cheer each other on and are a support and resource to one another,” Tiffany shares. This camaraderie enables the team to advocate for and support fathers and their families to the fullest. “We are a group of providers with varying personalities, professional backgrounds, and we truly do have a blast serving beside one another,” she says emphasizing the joy and fulfillment that come from being on the team.

Tiffany’s path to Champions and FRANC is rooted in her extensive experience as a social worker, focusing on trauma intervention and crisis support. “While I enjoyed providing that level of care for families, I came to Champions because I wanted to experience more preventative support and to learn about the tools that would help the families prevent the cycles, they found themselves in,” she says. Tiffany recalls the many times parents expressed, “I wish I knew that before” motivating her to be part of a program that offers education and support to fathers and families.

One of Tiffany’s hopes is for more fathers and their families to become aware of the resources FRANC offers. She notes the dedication of many within the program, “there are people in our program and agency who have worked decades to see fatherhood services be accepted and expanded within the community.” She wants them to know just how deeply the team cares for them. “It’s an honor to join in their efforts,” she says, and she wants fathers to understand how much they mean to Champions, the FRANC team, and the broader community.

To Tiffany, being a father or father figure means “being a positive, present, and consistent individual in a child’s life.” It’s about being willing to learn, grow, excel, make mistakes, and try again, all in the name of nurturing a child. She captures the essence of fatherhood as a journey of growth and presence, rather than perfection.