Our Work in the
Tampa Bay Area

See how we’re serving our community.

Every year, we reach more families and help more children in the community. Each year, we help change the lives of approximately 30,000 people in the Tampa Bay area.

father and son hugging in the outdoors

Our Impact on Children and Families


children & adults who are served via family education & individualized support


individuals who participate in parent-child educational programs


community members who benefit from community education

Our programs create positive adult-child attachments that protect against abuse and neglect while simultaneously promoting early childhood learning and skills development. These early inventions lead to decreased risk of childhood trauma and increased rates of kindergarten readiness and school completion.

After participating in our programs in 2023

  • 96% of parents supported their child’s healthy development
  • 97% of parents increased their parenting skills
  • 89% of children improved school readiness
  • 92% of parents increased their knowledge of health and safety topics
Lola struggles with housing instability, but through her consistent participation in parent-child educational programs at our Layla’s House center, she has maintained an incredible commitment to prioritizing her son’s safety and thriving so he can have the brightest future possible.
Lola's Story

Ava’s relationship with her young son was strained by unrealistic expectations until she completed a series of classes at our Town ‘n’ Country and Positive Parenting & Partnerships programs.

Ava's Story
Vishul was separated from his children by the courts due to concerns of potential abuse. Through our Nurturing Dads class, he explored how trauma from his own upbringing influenced his parenting and decided he had to change. Vishul learned to be a loving and effective parent and is now happily and safely reunited with his family.
Vishul's Story
Marta relocated from Mexico to Tampa with her three-year-old autistic son to reunite with her husband and oldest daughter. At that time, her son was experiencing severe developmental delays. After just one year of ongoing home visits, Marta’s son is now speaking, following directions, learning names, and more – all things he could not do before!
Marta's Story
Alice was a new mom of a medically fragile one-month-old who was struggling to breastfeed and suffering from failure to thrive. She heard that our abcProgram offers our county’s only no-cost, universal access professional breastfeeding support, she began coming in for safe in-person consults every week. Working with the abcProgram, Alice not only resolved her feeding challenges but also addressed her most concerning risk factors and helped stabilize the baby’s health.
Alice's Story
Solita and her 3-year-old son had just moved to Tampa, had no family or friends nearby, and didn’t speak English. She was also worried about her son’s development, felt isolated, and didn’t know where to turn. Solita began attending our Great We Grow workshops regularly, where she gained assurance that it is okay for her son to develop at his own pace, and learned developmentally appropriate activities she could do at home to support her son and strengthen their attachment.
Solita's Story
young teen painting mural

Annual Impact Report

The past year has been a year of strategic growth and notable milestones. Supporters and partners of Champions for Children helped keep children safe and supported. Families received needed resources and opportunities to further their children’s health and success. This year, we multiplied our impact and served more than 27,000 children, parents, and supportive and caring adults.

Take a look at our 2023 Impact Report. Here, we share the positive outcomes we achieved, our exciting advancements, and how we put each dollar to work. Read the stories and meet the individuals whose lives have been transformed this year by Champions for Children.

Our Impact on the Community

When children are safe and nurtured to develop to their highest potential, the community benefits from better economic, civic and health outcomes. At Champions we believe that investing in our children is an economic imperative for a better community. Building strong families with thriving children will create a better Tampa Bay.

Our annual impact report showcases the incredible impact your support has made on children, families, and our community over the past year.