There’s No Better Gift Than a Happy Childhood

By supporting our mission to build stronger families, you can change the course of a child’s life

We envision a world without child abuse and neglect, where children are safe and nurtured to reach their full potential. The generosity of friends like you is what enables Champions for Children to help 40,000+ children, parents, and caregivers every year. We offer a variety of giving options for donors at all levels looking to make a big impact.

woman writing a personal check

Champion Builders Monthly Giving Society

Recurring gifts of any size — whether $5 or $50 — are a powerful and cost-effective way to ensure the sustainability of Champions’ programs and a safe, happy, healthy start to life for every child we serve. You can choose to donate a set monthly amount or “round up” to the nearest dollar on your credit card purchases up to a maximum that you choose! When you initiate a recurring gift, you’ll automatically join our Champion Builders Society. As a member, you’ll enjoy personalized text updates on the impact of your support, special perks at our community events, and a free “thank you” gift just for joining.

Gifts of Significance

Deepen your impact by making a significant contribution that is meaningful to you. We’ll start by getting to know you one-on-one and working together to design a gift that aligns with your philanthropic passions and priorities. Then, as your gift begins to make a difference in the lives of the families we serve, we’ll show you the impact of your support through personalized updates and opportunities to see our work in action. Supporters at the $1,000+ level automatically become members of our Champions Circle giving society.

Download our Current List of Needs

Contact us regarding your interests

To discuss a gift that’s meaningful to you, contact Angela Green, Senior Development Associate, at or (813) 673-4646 x1113.

smiling young boy looking at the camera with a young woman volunteer in the background

Time, Talent, and Things

From volunteering at one of our seasonal community events to donating toys or pro-bono help in your area of expertise, there are lots of ways to be personally engaged in your support for Champions for Children’s mission.

Learn More About Volunteering

Customize Your Gift

However you choose to support Champions for Children, we are grateful. Here are some of the gift customizations we are often asked about that we accept:

  • Gifts in honor and/or memory of someone
  • One-time, monthly, or multi-year gifts
  • Pledged gifts (to be paid later in full or in installments)
  • Gifts to support a general mission OR specific programs
  • Gifts of cash, stock, real property, and a variety of tax-advantaged financial instruments
  • Gifts from your estate

What Our Supporters Say

“We are so proud of the excellent work of Champions for Children… By focusing on the earliest years, Champions does a world of good for our community helping children feel close and protected — and become successful students in our schools.”

Karen and Robert Buesing