Supported by Tampa Bay

Champions for Children’s work with children and families is possible thanks to the generous support of hundreds of individuals and institutions in the Tampa Bay community. Thank you!

Public Funders

Funding for Champions for Children’s programs is generously provided by the following public agencies and public-private partnerships:

Children's Board Hillsborough County logo
Florida Department of Children and Families Logo
Administration for Children and Families logo
Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners logo
Hillsborough County Public Schools logo

Private Donors

The following private individuals, corporations, and philanthropic foundations have generously supported Champions for Children at a level of $500 or higher. Individuals who have given at a level of $1,000 or higher are considered part of our Champions Circle. The listings below reflect the highest level of giving within either the 2022 or 2023 calendar year (Last updated June 2023).


Anonymous (1)

BayCare Health Systems

Conn Memorial Foundation, Inc.

Cornelia and Richard Corbett

Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County

The Spurlino Foundation

Tampa Bay Lightning Foundation

Triad Foundation

United Way Suncoast

William Stamps Farish Fund


Broadrick Family Foundation

Community Foundation Tampa Bay

Francis & Gertrude Levett Foundation

Hobbs Foundation

The Saunders Foundation


Carole & Steven Brannock

Malcolm C. Harris

Brown & Brown of Florida, Inc.


Florida Blue

Florida Medical Clinic Foundation of Caring

Hillsborough County Public Schools

PNC Foundation

Suncoast Credit Union Foundation

Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA, Inc.

TECO Energy, Inc.

The Mabel & Ellsworth Simmons Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Scott and Samantha Zinober


Moira J. Burke

Mark and Tricia Eisner

Amy and John Haile

Liz & David Kennedy

Fred Rabow

Mark Sena and Linda Saul-Sena

Kay Annis Wilson

Marian S. Winters

Early Childhood Council

Eugene and Marilyn Glick Foundation Corporation

F.M.C. Foundation of Caring

Frank E. Duckwall Foundation

JP Morgan Chase


PNC Bank

Raymond James Financial

Regions Bank

Tampa L. B. Sales, Inc.

The New York Yankees Tampa Foundation, Inc.

Viking Global Foundation


AdventHealth Carrollwood

Jean and Philip Amuso

Cathy J. Beveridge

Big Sea

Michael H. Bynum

Carden & Associates

Maria and Tawfik Chami

Family of Joe and Terrell Clark

Anne and John Gormly


Homes by WestBay

Legacy Wealth Partners

Chad and Doneene Loar

Kobie and Scott Pierce

Prida, Guida & Perez, P.A.

Publix Super Markets Charities

Lynn and Mike Ramsey

Bonnie Saks and Bradley Minnen

Schwab Charitable Fund

Bill and Susan Snowdon

Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits Charitable Fund

Stahl & Associates Insurance, Inc.

Tampa General Hospital

Thomas A. & Mary S. James Foundation

Trenam Law

U.S. Women’s Health Alliance, LLC

W.T. Morgan III Family Foundation, Inc.

Laura-Elizabeth Ware and J.M. Wash

Robin K. Warren

Rosemary Armstrong and Sandy Weinberg

Crystal T. Whitescarver


George and Isabel Adams

American Online Giving Foundation

Anonymous Contributions

Donna and Jay Anthony

Bubble Down Car Wash

Karen and Bob Buesing

Care Team, Inc.

Caspers Company

Catalina Marketing Charitable Foundation

Cons Pay

Paul D’Agostino and James Roney

Nikki Daniels

Daniel Davis

William Deen

Stephen and Marsha Dickey

Keith N. Fakhoury

Federated Mutual Insurance Company

Lara Roeske Fernandez

First National Bank of Pasco

Liana Fernandez Fox and Bob Fox


Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A.

Kathleen M. Heide

Rosemary H. Henderson

Anne and Tom Henderson

Earl and Nancy Horton


Kristi Irwin-Newberry

Dana Kluft

Sarah Lamy

George and Joan Lange

Tim Marks

Linda and Hon. Rick Nielsen

Cappy Law

Marsha S. Otte

Luanne J. Panacek

PAR Inc.

Sue M. Parrish

Parker Rabow

Patricia B. Randall

Apex IT

Elizabeth and Stephen Reynolds

Laura Ruden

Ada Jean Samson

Melissa Saterbo

Sandra G. Sroka

Ellen S. Stichter

Mark and Cheryl Stoker

Synovus Bank

Tampa Bay Wallstreet, Inc.

Tampa Family Health Centers

TD Charitable Foundation

The Benevity Community Impact Fund

The Progressive Insurance Foundation

Trust Manage

United Healthcare Services, Inc.

Visual Edge IT

Linda and David Ward

Whole Point Consulting LLC

Ken and Rachel Williams

Gwynne A. Young

Joan Wagner Zinober


William P. Avella

Ashley T. Broussard

Dorothy A. Brown Cook

Castor Bell Lewis Family Foundaiton

Maria and Tawfik Chami

Chiropractic Naturally

Robert Conigliaro

Foundation Corp

Tammy Giroux

George K. Guida

Rose Gyimah-Brempong

Cecelia Hall

Elizabeth A. Jenkins

Olga J. Joanow

Constance Johnson and David Burnett

JP Morgan Chase Foundation

Reynald and Mary Latortue

Selena Majeed

Shirley R. Maxwell

Catherine P. McEwen

Donald and Dianne Mincey

Older, Lundy, Koch & Martino

Debbie and Charlie Parks

Psychological Assesment Resources, Inc.

Nic Santana

The Spurlino Foundation

Scott and Sarah Stichter

Bretta Arthur Sullivan

Sally Tanzer

The Aspen Institute, Inc.

Sally Wade

Suzie E. Ward
