Anna’s Journey to Breastfeeding Success with the ABC Program

A group of people pose for a picture. They are holding children's books.

When Anna’s son was born, breastfeeding wasn’t as straightforward as it had been with her first child. “My son had a tongue tie and feeding was painful. I also had a massive oversupply and DMER [Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex].” Despite her previous experience with a doula, midwives, birth classes, and a private lactation consultant, the new challenges felt overwhelming.

Anna turned to the Baby Café, a part of our ABC Program, where she found the guidance, she needed from our dedicated team of Board-Certified Lactation Consultants and Certified Lactation Counselors.

At Baby Café, she worked with Deidra and Monica to meet her breastfeeding goals. “The calm encouragement that I received from Deidra and Monica validated my deep desire to continue breastfeeding and motivated me to find solutions,” Anna says. Deidra’s sensitivity to Anna’s unique situation made all the difference. Anna explains, “I mostly worked with Deidra and her initial assessment was delivered to me in the most empathetic way. She was sensitive to me as a freshly postpartum mom.”

Deidra’s expertise was pivotal in addressing the challenges Anna faced while breastfeeding, which immediately alleviated the pain of nursing. She also guided the mother through the challenges of managing DMER and regulating her oversupply, making what could have been a daunting experience much more manageable.

“If I hadn’t worked with Baby Café, I may not have continued breastfeeding with [my son],” she reflects. Now, 16 months later, they are still breastfeeding successfully, and their bond is stronger than ever. This story underscores how crucial breastfeeding can be in forming healthy attachments early on. Compassionate and knowledgeable care during these formative days not only supports breastfeeding success but also strengthens the emotional connection between mother and child, laying the foundation for a secure attachment.

Through her journey, Anna discovered the extensive network of birth, pregnancy, and postpartum resources in Tampa Bay. “I think all moms can be successful in breastfeeding (if they want to) when they are surrounded by the appropriate resources,” Anna says. “There are so many amazing resources that I didn’t know existed until I found [a doula] and she introduced me to others. Then one after another, they all connected me with someone else that I didn’t know I needed.”

A Message to New Moms

She encourages all mothers to visit Baby Café: “I would tell every mom they should go in the first week or two of their baby’s life even if things are going well because you could always use a little guidance and support.” For her, Baby Café was not just a place for breastfeeding support—it was a lifeline that connected her with the resources and community she needed to thrive as a mother.

Champions for Children provides services like the ABC Program to empower new parents to overcome their breastfeeding challenges and build strong, healthy bonds with their babies. This National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we celebrate the successes of moms like her and invite others to seek the support they need to achieve their breastfeeding goals.

Are you a new mother or know someone who is? Check out ABC today at