Meet the abcProgram Staff

A group of people pose for a picture. They are holding children's books.

As we celebrate National Breastfeeding Awareness Month this August, Champions for Children is shining a light on our abcProgram, which provides essential breastfeeding and lactation support to families in our community.

Meet Regina: Leading Breastfeeding Support at the ABC Program

At the heart of the abcProgram is Regina, our dedicated Program Manager and International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

“My favorite part of working in this program is empowering my amazing staff to do what they do so well! … I have been an IBCLC for 28 years, and it still gives me a little thrill to see a new mom grow in her confidence and enjoyment of breastfeeding,” Regina shares. Regina firmly believes that her work helps build strong families and thriving children. “I feel my work helps new parents form strong, healthy bonds with their children, helps them become the best parents they can be … and has [many] benefits for both the infant and the lactating parent,” she says.

Regina’s journey into lactation and breastfeeding support was inspired by two things, “the breastfeeding support I received when I was a new mom over 30 years ago and realizing what a huge difference supporting breastfeeding can make in the lives of children and their parents.” With nearly three decades of experience, Regina has many memorable moments of how breastfeeding support impacts families. “My favorite [moments] are the many times a mom texts me a picture of her beautiful baby and thanks me for helping her breastfeed. Also, seeing her transform from being tired, sore, and insecure about breastfeeding to being confident, no longer sore or sleep-deprived, and enjoying breastfeeding her baby,” she recalls.

One of the distinguishing features of the abcProgram under Regina’s leadership is the strong collaboration with other healthcare providers. “We routinely refer to other healthcare providers whenever needed. We are also proud to be the recipients of hundreds of referrals per year from many healthcare providers in the Tampa Bay area—nurses, doulas, doctors, hospitals, and other maternal and pediatric care providers. They trust us to provide their patients with the highest quality lactation care,” Regina explains.

Evolution and Growth of the abcProgram to Pinellas County

Under Regina’s leadership, the abcProgram has seen significant growth and transformation. “We have tripled our number of Baby Cafes, expanded into Pinellas County, opened our doors to families from Pasco County, and expanded our staff to accommodate our growing program. And to support all of that growth, we have simultaneously transformed our systems and data collection to streamline our work, which frees up our amazing team of lactation professionals to focus more on supporting breastfeeding and less on paperwork,” Regina elaborates.

“What gets me up in the morning isn’t just an overwhelming desire to see more babies receive more human milk—although that is certainly one of my great passions. What gets me up in the morning is my desire to help families not just succeed at breastfeeding but to enjoy it! Forget whether you ‘should’ breastfeed. I say you deserve to breastfeed, and if you’re not enjoying it, you need and deserve some help. We here at Champions are happy to provide free of charge,” she emphasizes.

This National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we celebrate Regina and her commitment to supporting families. Her work at the abcProgram is a testament to the impact that dedicated, compassionate care can have on the lives of families.

Meet Amy: Nurturing Families Through Breastfeeding Support

Amy is an IBCLC Lactation Consultant in Pinellas County. Amy’s role as a Lactation Consultant is pivotal to the success of our Baby Cafe program. She provides breastfeeding support to families who are navigating the often-challenging early days of parenthood. “I love that any family who is having trouble can see us,” Amy says. “There are no eligibility requirements. We work really hard to be available and accessible to families during what can be a tricky time of transition to parenthood.”

She describes her favorite moments on the job, “I love when I help a parent who has really been struggling and something just clicks—either we get a pain-free latch, or the baby takes a really good feed, or I suggest something that really resonates—and they visibly relax. You can see they feel heard and seen and more confident in their ability to feed and parent their baby.”

Amy’s approach to supporting mothers facing breastfeeding challenges is rooted in empathy and evidence-based care. “First thing, I listen to what the parents are saying—and not saying. I affirm their feelings. I address their concerns with evidence-based education, and we come up with a plan that they feel comfortable with,” she explains. Amy emphasizes the importance of follow-up and adapting to the unique needs of each family. “Sometimes it’s hard to tell if things are getting better when you’re in the trenches with no sleep and overwhelmed. Sometimes we have to adjust the plan. The main thing is I listen to the parent’s goal and help them figure out how to get there.”

The ABC team is composed of professionals with diverse backgrounds, which allows them to consult with each other on tricky cases and provide well-rounded support. “Breastfeeding is a team sport!” Amy says. “As an IBCLC, I have a very defined scope of practice, so if there’s a medical or other issue outside my scope, I refer back to the pediatrician to sort out the medical issue while I continue to provide support around lactation-specific issues—like baby latching and maintaining a milk supply.”

The impact of Amy’s work is evident in the connections she maintains with the families she supports. “When they have the information they need to make informed decisions, they feel confident in their ability to feed their baby—however that feeding goes. That confidence is contagious,” Amy says. “Every time a parent sends me a text of an older baby, pops into Baby Cafe while attending a playgroup with Baby Bungalow, comes back with their second or third baby, or tells another family about me, I know that they felt loved and valued by the support we gave them.”

Amy encounters many misconceptions about breastfeeding, particularly among low-income families and families of color who face additional barriers. “Often, families stop breastfeeding and think that they failed or that breastfeeding just isn’t for them. The structure of our society—little to no paid family leave, healthcare providers with lacking education around growth and behavior in breastfeeding babies, poor family support, limited access to needed healthcare, predatory formula marketing practices, systemic racism—is what failed, not the family,” she explains.

Amy’s message is clear: breastfeeding problems have solutions, and new families need support and access to those solutions.

As we honor National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we are grateful for Amy’s dedication and passion. Her work not only supports individual families but also strengthens our entire community.

Meet Deidra: Passionate Advocate for Breastfeeding Families

Deidra is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) whose commitment to supporting new mothers and their babies is truly inspiring. Deidra co-hosts three Baby Café locations across Tampa Bay, where she provides vital breastfeeding support to new families. Her role as an IBCLC allows her to help mothers navigate the challenges of breastfeeding, ensuring that both babies and parents receive the care they need.

“I love the wonderful babies that I get to meet every day,” Deidra says. “Champions for Children’s abcProgram is great because I have professional autonomy to help and serve our lactation clients with the best care I see fit.” Deidra believes deeply in the importance of her work, recognizing how infant feeding sets the foundation for lifelong health. “I feel lactation work is the most important work to be done,” she says. “What babies are eating matters!” Deidra’s dedication to her clients is rooted in her understanding of how critical proper nutrition and breastfeeding support are for both mother and child.

Deidra’s approach to supporting mothers begins with listening. “I am quick to listen and slow to speak,” she explains. “I find that allowing moms to get the full story out of the problems they are facing—without interrupting—allows them to be open to any suggestions I have for them.” By giving mothers, the space to share their concerns, Deidra can help them distinguish between what is normal and what might be a true lactation problem.

Deidra knows that successful breastfeeding support often requires team effort. “Referring my clients out to the appropriate resources is one of the ways I collaborate with other providers,” she says. Deidra regularly refers clients to specialists like dentists and bodyworkers, and she often communicates directly with other healthcare professionals. “Sometimes I will need to make a phone call or send an email to discuss concerns I have related to breastfeeding with other healthcare professionals to make sure my client gets the best continuity of care.”

As we honor National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we are proud to celebrate Deidra’s contributions to the abcProgram and the countless families she has supported. Her passion, expertise, and compassionate approach are what make Champions for Children a trusted resource in our community.

Meet Monica: A Passionate Advocate for Breastfeeding Families

Monica is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) whose work has touched the lives of countless mothers and babies. Monica’s journey into lactation support was inspired by her own positive experiences as a mother. Once her children were grown, she sought work that had deep meaning and offered new challenges. “I loved my own experience with my children and was happy to have the opportunity to help others have a good experience too,” she explains.

Monica’s work has a profound impact on the health and well-being of the families she supports. “It’s a health issue,” she says. “Babies that breastfeed have the nutrition that is designed for them to thrive, as well as the added immunity coming through to them from their mother’s milk. The health benefits last a lifetime.”

Monica’s role as a lactation consultant is helping parents navigate the challenges of breastfeeding with confidence. “I see my role as empowering moms with good evidence-based information so that they can make informed choices about whatever challenges they face,” she says. “Education, encouragement, and support are incredibly helpful to a new mother.”

Over the past decade, Monica has been part of countless success stories that remind her why she loves her work. “It’s very touching to get thank you cards from families that were able to breastfeed because of the support they received through Baby Cafe,” she shares. “The most meaningful sentiment I hear from a great number of families is, ‘I would not have been able to breastfeed my baby without the support I got from you.'” These moments of gratitude from families reinforce the impact of her work and inspire her to continue providing the highest level of care.

Monica often encounters misconceptions about breastfeeding that can be deeply ingrained in families or perpetuated by misinformation online. This is her approach: “I listen to a family’s concerns and address them as they come up, with some cultural appreciation but also stressing the importance of evidence-based information,” she explains.

As we honor National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we are proud to celebrate Monica’s dedication to the abcProgram and the families she serves. Her passion, expertise, and compassionate approach make her a valuable part of the Champions for Children team.

Meet Susie: A Dedicated Lactation Counselor Making a Difference

Susie is a passionate lactation counselor who plays an important role in supporting families in both Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties.

As a lactation counselor, Susie’s role is multifaceted. She not only provides hands-on lactation support to families but also takes on administrative tasks, such as managing pump inventory and inputting data for our Breastfeeding Basics and Understanding Fatherhood classes. Additionally, Susie is deeply involved in outreach efforts, participating in community events to promote and educate people about the abcProgram’s offerings.

For Susie, the most rewarding part of her work is helping families reach their breastfeeding goals. “I’m so happy that it’s free and that there are no income guidelines or insurance requirements,” she says. “Being able to actually hear their concerns and work with them on a plan is incredibly fulfilling.” Her inspiration to get involved in lactation and breastfeeding support stems from her own experience as a new mother. “The lack of support I had made it a mission for me to help as many people as I could know the facts about breastfeeding, like how pain is not a normal part of breastfeeding,” she recalls.

When working with mothers facing breastfeeding challenges, Susie’s approach is rooted in empathy and encouragement. “I hear them,” she explains. “I provide the time for them to tell me their concerns, and I reassure them, give them the strength to believe in themselves because I believe in them.” This support helps mothers feel heard and valued, allowing hope and trust to be rekindled within them.

Susie’s collaboration with other healthcare providers is another crucial aspect of her work. “We work together by forming a good connection to refer and send clients to like-minded individuals who have the love and respect for lactation and the families involved,” she says. This network of support ensures that families receive comprehensive and consistent care throughout their breastfeeding journey.

Among the many success stories, one stands out to Susie. “I had a client who was very nervous—it was her first baby, and she wanted to breastfeed with confidence,” Susie shares. “Mom had pain and didn’t believe in all the amazing abilities she had. Once we worked together, this strong, independent woman was reborn. She started to see the results of her hard work and efforts, and now, her and baby are avid at breastfeeding in every sense of the word.”

This mother’s transformation didn’t just end with her own success; she has become an advocate for breastfeeding and encourages others to seek the help of lactation professionals.

Susie believes her work profoundly impacts the lives of the families she supports. “When they seek help, it’s because they could be at their breaking point,” she explains. “Our help will determine if they have the trust in themselves, with proper guidance, to continue their breastfeeding journey. This story will carry on to future generations. They might not remember our names and faces, but they will remember that ‘breastfeeding lady’ who helped them through that difficult patch in their breastfeeding journey.”

As we continue to celebrate National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we are grateful for Susie’s dedication to the abcProgram and the families she serves. Her compassionate approach and unwavering commitment make her an invaluable member of the Champions for Children team.

Learn more about the abcProgram at